North Shore Fine & Performing Arts
Artists who collaborate, create, ARTiculate and innovate!
The goal of the Fine and Performing Arts Department is to cultivate a love of the arts, develop cultural awareness, and foster social and emotional well-being. We aim to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be able to express themselves through an art form of their choice, and believe that through participation in the arts, students’ capacity to engage fully in the world is realized.
The mission of the theatre program is to provide students with a personalized learning environment that provides students with meaningful and creative learning experiences that deepens their understanding of theatre arts. Students are encouraged to participate in all aspects of theatre. Theatre study at North shore encourages discovery through experimentation, risk taking and the presentation of ideas to others.
High School Theatre Course Offerings
Credit: 1
Prerequisites: None
Useful to those interested in becoming better actors as well as those interested in improving public speaking skills, this course focuses on the physical, mental and emotional fundamentals of theatrical performance. Class work will include monologue performance, auditioning, storytelling and improvisation. Academic work will include a comprehensive study of the major schools of acting in American theatre (specifically the work of Stanislavski, Adler and Strasberg). Exercises in character development, affective memory, super objective, ensemble work and script analysis will serve as the foundation of academic inquiry. Physical exercises will focus on flexibility, fluid movement, physical manifestations of character, viewpoints and biomechanics.
Credit: 1 per year
Prerequisites: None
In the study of this course in theatre making, students will create theatre from the perspective of creator, designer, director, spectator, and performer. This will be done as individuals and as a member of an ensemble. Students will experience contrasting art perspectives and learn to apply research and theory. The course is built upon three core areas, including (1) presenting theatre, (2) theatre in context (3) and theatre processes. Students will be expected to understand the relationship between the three core areas and how their work is impacted by them. The three core areas will be explored through activities such as working with play texts, examining world theatre traditions, and collaboratively creating original theatre.
The IB assessment may earn a student college credit dependent upon their score and the policy of the college or university.